Tuesday, October 19, 2021


        I met a stray cat this week and I did the two things that you should NEVER do. I fed it and gave it a name. The cat pictured above is now known as Purrsie. Pronounced "Percy," but spelled in true cat lady fashion. After feeling the overwhelming gratitude from this stray cat when I gave it a helping of the canned food that my kitty (Paislie) doesn't specifically care for, I had a good cry. I was a little confused as to why I was so emotional even though it's not rare for me to cry for no reason. What about this cat brought water droplets to my eyes? She/he was a mirror, reflecting back to me some truths I've been struggling with. I too am lonely, aimless and hungry. 

    Purrsie and I have BOTH come to this piece of land for hope of a better life. We haven't figured it out yet and we're both skittish, lonely, but occasionally feel understood by the people around us. Today, I understood that Purrsie might appreciate a meal he/she didn't have to hunt for. It was a good feeling. I made a difference in a life. It's been a while. I have felt pretty useless for the last 5 or 6 months. Anxiety and depression keep you in your head and you become very self involved. It's not that you choose to be selfish, but when your mind takes the reigns, you have blinders on. Birthday cards are late, less and less contact is made and you self isolate which is lonely and comforting at the same time. You're "safe" in your cocoon of silence, but safe is not living. 

    I hunger to live a different life. That's why I am still here. Still fighting and still aching to be different. Yesterday, my therapist decided that it was best if we parted ways. The EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) started out helping, but the last two therapy sessions were way too traumatic for me. It took me about 2 days to get over the sessions. I believe it's a great method, but for me it's a little overkill. I am already a big time processor and feeler. Always dissecting, always trying to understand what and why I'm feeling. I think that EMDR is best for those who are more closed to their feelings. I was a little surprised by the revelation that I should seek other treatment. Feeling abandoned and a little given up on. I wonder if that's what happened to Purrsie? Did someone abandon this beautiful cat? 

    I know it is for the best and I will find another avenue of help, but rejection of any kind isn't easy. I'm left to my own devices, once again, to find some form of care that will help me navigate out of this aimlessness. Since August 13th, I haven't worked in the formal sense. Ever since the accident, I hear the sound of impact. Where the car swerved straight into me as I sat safely off the road. The peace I was feeling in the moments just before the accident were such a welcome reprieve. It had taken over two months to even get to that day. It was a Friday and I had just worked all week to make it my biggest payday of 2021. I was dropping off my last order and was unable to get ahold of the customer. I had time, I thought I'd just wait... Of course, now, I regret that decision. If I had just left. If I had just parked on the other side of the road.  Ever since the accident, I smell the stench of airbags deploying all around me. It is a smell that I will never forget. 

    Two months previous came another sound that will forever be engrained in my mind. Fireworks. That's all it sounded like. Fireworks after loud pounding which, later I found out, was the sound of a big metal device pounding down my neighbor's door. That day, I spent an hour in the closet with my Cat, not knowing what was going on outside. That day, two people lost their lives on our street. That day, I learned that nothing is as it seems and thus began my paranoia. I eventually went 12 days without eating or sleep. Ended up at the hospital where I was told that there's not anything they can do. Prescribed me some sleeping aids. I slept and then ate and continued with therapy. Got a little stronger. Felt as if someone understood me. Got back to a good place just as the car accident took place. If I were in a video game, it was as if I'd leveled up, but progress wasn't saved. I went all the back to level one. If I could be safely seated on the side of the road and get smashed into, then anything could happen. Oftentimes, that song by Ellie Goulding just taunts me anything can happen... anything can happen... anything can happen... 

    Anything can ALWAYS happen. This is nothing new. The only thing new is my awareness. My mind has shifted to seeing all the worst case scenarios. When being honest about how I'm feeling or what I'm thinking, I've heard an array of helpful comments: You just can't think like that. You've got to choose positivity. You've got to see life in a different way. I know these things are only said to try and help, but it also implies choice. There are things that I CAN choose like watching the news or holding tight to a negative thought, but anxiety and depression don't always ask. It is not as if I serve myself a bowl of negative-os and pour on sadness milk each morning. I don't wake up and think damn, I'm alive, this day is gonna suck. I actually start the morning with great hope and strength and desire to have a beautifully healthy day. I start off mind over matter, but some days there's a tingling in my gut that says remember how calm you were BOTH those days? You were this relaxed. Then, the other shoe fell. Remember that sound? Remember that smell? It's coming... again. You aren't safe ANYWHERE!?!?? This is what I am up against many days. I do my best to push through, but even if I'm walking through life, it is there. Lingering. Just like Purrsie, the stray cat. I'm skittish. 

    I watched Purrsie this morning as she/he ate some of the burnt toast I put out for the birds. She jumped and looked over her/his shoulder often. Unsure of her/his surroundings. Unsure of her/his safety and security and rather vigilant to ensure said safety and security. I watched this and started to cry again. We have BOTH lost our confidence in our existence. Mortality is guiding all of our moves and making us less trusting and giving to the world as a whole. Purrsie knows that there is real danger for her/him out in the natural world full of coyotes, hawks, owls, etc. It can be argued that she/he has a reason to be fearful. But, I have reason too. In this fast paced, non feeling, get over it world, humans are expected to be instantly resilient and move onto the next victory or crisis. By those standards, I compare myself and feel less than. I want my life back. I want to be a productive, thriving, happy person. It's going to take me longer than the rest. The trauma has created a lasting impression and no one should have to apologize for that. Just going through the actual trauma was hard enough. 

   Some humans are able to brush off the emotions and memories of traumatic events. Those humans inspire me.  I am more like a stray cat. I've seen some things and I remember. In my mind are the sights and smells of traumatic events and I move through the landscape around me a little on edge. I don't know where life will lead me and I hope to someday feel at home and secure, but for now, loud noises make me jump. I am grateful for those humans who seek to understand and who feed my soul with love. Some days I feel unworthy and other days anxiety and depression make it impossible for me to fully receive the love. Still, this is not my forever home. I will not live in this state perpetually. I don't know when I'll feel myself again, but for now I have a kindred spirit in a cat named Purrsie. 

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Nothing is By Accident


Nothing is by accident. A series of events lead you to exactly where you need to be. For me, it was a slow unraveling which (to the untrained eye) would seem just as normal as everyday coincidence. “Coincidence” is such a clinical word that strips joy. It gives reason where only magic should be. I choose to believe that I was tossed another handful of pixie dust and in no way does that mean I negate reality or that I am stuck in adolescence. It means that I live beyond the physical, tangible things. I have always lived there, but have been stuck in a push and pull between two worlds. One is beautiful and filled with hope and the other is cynical and full of rules. For forty years of my life, I have traveled back and forth, trying to be pieces of what each world wanted me to be. And now, I don’t know who “me” is.

Nothing is by accident. Last year I started listening to Armchair Expert and I began to expand my mind. I’ve always been open to new ideas and break off some of those bits to add to my many hatboxes of meaning. I keep little pieces of everything that has ever touched my life in real, old fashioned, hatboxes. In the physical world, I have 8 or 9 full of cards, letters, mementoes I've grabbed along the way. If I find something I really identify with and it can be hung on my wall, I hang it to surround me with as much inspiration as possible. It is so helpful to be inspired from the very moment I open my eyes each morning. In my beautifully messy, unseen world, I also have little pieces of inspiration that have touched my heart or mind (usually both). You can't see those hatboxes, but they are filled with so many golden nuggets. I go mining most days for these nuggets by listening to Dax Shepard & Monica Padman on the Armchair Expert podcast. I could literally spend the rest of my life just listening to this one show and I know I’d feel fulfilled, but therein lies the problem. I have so many great pieces of wisdom and I am never applying them. I don't have an outgoing life. 

Nothing is by accident. I’m a bit behind on the podcasts and so last week I just heard Jason Segel’s interview. I wasn't aware of his struggle with alcohol or that he had been sober since he was 33 years old. I wasn't aware that he had the same realization as Dax and so many others like Jim Carey, Rob Lowe, etc. have had. They get to the place or the dollar amount or into the job title they had looked up to as "Successful," but it doesn't make them feel any better about themselves. There's still an emptiness. There's still a void. It was just another affirmation that all the material world offers will never fill what I'm searching to fill either. At the end of the interview, Jason mentions his show Dispatches from Elsewhere and Dax said something about Sally Field being his childhood crush. So, then I realize that there's a show (a universe, LOL) where Jason Segel and Sally Field are paling around together? How cool is that. I don't hear much about the premise of the show except that he states "by the end of the season, that was just me on the screen..." Didn't get it at that point and kind of filed it away.

Nothing is by accident. Soon after, my guy (Mister Paul) and I were not sure of what to watch one night and so I looked up movies on Disney+. The state of everything in our world has been very dark and stressful lately that we both wanted something light and airy. We watched The Muppet Movie which starred Jason Segel… He also wrote it. Though we had seen it once before, we were so very moved by the message of the film plus both Paul and I are huge Muppet fans. (Okay, okay... Paul more than me, but I'm a close second! I mean, how do you not love Kermie?) This week, I was home and not feeling well and I needed something to watch. Thought of Jason Segel again (since his energy is so full of joy) and I felt like I hadn’t seen everything he’s been in. So, I put his name in Roku’s search feature and turns out, I guess I really am a HUGE fan because I HAVE seen most everything. Only 3 things I haven’t seen: Our Friend (New film, costs money), The End of the Tour (Only available for free with commercials, I hate commercials) and looky here... that show he was talking about: Dispatches from Elsewhere (Free with AMC 7 Day trial through Prime Video).

Nothing is by accident. I chose the free option and not only because it was FREE (but that sure helped), but because I remembered hearing about it on the podcast and Sally Field is in it! I looked it up on IMBD to find out that Andre 3000 was also featured in a huge part (and who doesn’t love Hey Ya “Shake it like a polaroid picture”?). Also, Eve Lindley was a name I heard buzz about, but had never got a chance to see her in action. So, it was a no brainer. I'm sick and home... Just try it. Well, the opening scene with Richard E Grant made me uncomfortable just staring at him for what felt like an eternity, but then I was in awe that he was in this too. There are so many great folks in this series. And what the what?!?!?! - Jason Segel created it. Well, what a glorious ride. The details and stories woven like a blanket that keep you cuddled and comfy through each and every episode. 

Nothing is by accident. I watched 9 of the 10 episodes in one day. I was going to wait till Paul fell asleep to watch the last one because I couldn’t wait to find out what was going to happen. Unfortunately, I fell asleep. This proved to be perfect because I watched the last episode the next morning over coffee. It was life altering, mind shattering and heart breaking in that really powerful way where you’re happy for such a different ending than you'd imagined. The speech that was given at the end, on stage, is by far the most important thing I have ever needed to hear. It was simple, self shattering (though I’ve shattered this self about a thousand times at this point, hence not knowing who I am and all…) and as intended, this audience member felt seen and understood. That’s all humans really ache for. To be seen and understood. I’m confused about who I am and what I’m supposed to be doing and I feel so alone in these feelings because the collective behaves as a group of singles instead of an inclusive WE.

Nothing is by accident. I don’t know who I am now. I’m not “cured” or secure with which path to go down in this life. I’m as flawed as I was yesterday, but today I’m not alone. I’ve secretly always known that, but until it’s attached to a quiver that can pierce your exact armor, you just don't feel it. I felt it so completely this time. Coupled with a few personal realizations that have upended my thinking pattern these last two weeks, I feel more broken than ever. The kind of broken you get to before you finally piece together who you are. I'm excited. This show is now my ALL TIME favorite show and I will be watching it again before my 7 day trial is over in just 5 days. It’s a wild ride with so many underlying and right in your face messages. It is like nothing I’ve ever seen before and I can’t imagine anyone being able to repeat this kind of magic. It has stirred me to write without fear. To live in the space beyond the physical and find my Elsewhere.

Nothing is by accident. I was meant to find this piece of art to inspire me so wholly. To take my beautiful darkness along with some pixie dust and turn it into a place that no one has ever seen before. If I hadn’t found Audible 10 years ago, I wouldn’t have been open to a Podcast and if I wouldn’t have found Armchair Expert, I wouldn’t have heard Jason Segel and I would’ve missed the most precious piece of art that I have ever seen… Dispatches from Elsewhere… I took the ending monologue and turned it into a colorful expression that I can hang above my writing desk (shown below). As I was creating it and rehearing those words, it’s me. Jason is me. That is what I feel after having watched. Those exact words sum it up so simply, so completely. I am Jennie Camile. I am YOU... and NOTHING is by accident... 

In Divine Nonchalance, I encourage you to find your Elsewhere... 

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Soul Stories

I wrote the intro to this blog about 10 times. Trying to fluff it up and explain why I haven't written in so long. All I need to say is 2020...

The emotional repercussions are felt far and wide. We're starting to pick up the pieces and process all that we've been through. I dealt with 3 different spells of deep, dark depression during this pandemic.

Towards the beginning, the fear of it all paralyzed me. Not only did we have the virus to contend with, but the devastating images we saw before the Black Lives Matter protests (and during) were heart breaking. Fearful of losing my parents or loved ones to the virus were coupled with watching someone lose their life at the hand of someone else who was hired to protect. It was a lot to deal with. I was holed up for almost a month just terrified.

Then it didn't end, this new way of life that we thought was only to be temporary became permanent. After a few good months of working and trying to get back to life, the sadness took hold of me again. Not being able to travel or do things with the people I love set in and made me so blue. There came a few weeks of staying in my home under personal rainclouds.

Snapped out of it again. We made the most of everything and adapted and I was starting to feel better. Then came January 6th, 2021. This is when something in my brain snapped. I shut all the way down. I didn't know how I'd ever get out of bed and have the courage to get back out in a world I didn't recognize. I haven't felt a threat to our liberty and justice like that since 9/11. Except these were our own people... United States Citizens... That really messed me up...

These dark times didn't come without bright lights of understanding and internal work. I'm grateful that I am a very introspective person who desires to untie the threads of trauma in order to be a more viable and thriving human in the world. So, every day that I sat in bed, I dissected what was triggering and why I was feeling the varied array of feelings.

Safety, Truth, Understanding and Freedom are what I came up with. These 4 things are vital to my happiness.

When I say the word "Safety," it's not a desire to never be harmed, but just a basic feeling that I am safe. We cannot control what happens to us in life. I get that. What I value is the feeling that the world is inherently good. When you engage in it, you come to find that it is. It's when we were isolated that we could only see what the world looked like through screens or other people's lenses that distorted truth. I also desire for all beings to feel safe. It is hard to feel perfectly safe when fear radiates from others in the world. I feel it all.

Truth. It's all we can stand by. Our truth is also flawed, at times. This becomes evident when you start recounting a shared experience from 10+ years ago with someone who was there with you. Their account is like night to your day. How can you both come away with such a different feeling or memory of the same experience? It has to do with how you were feeling that day, what you focused on and what you decided to take away. OUR TRUTH IS NOT THE TRUTH. No one's truth is. Still, we should share our truth openly and with whomever we come in contact with. When we own who we are, we can be such better people in the world. We're not having to be a chameleon in different circles, we don't have to change bits of our stories depending on the audience and as Mark Twain so eloquently said: "If you tell the truth, you never have to remember anything." Being truthful, even when you think you'll look silly or different is the bravest thing you can do. Plus, you help people to be more open and honest about themselves or feel less alone by hearing your story. Truth is the most beautiful gift you can give.

Understanding. This one is the hardest, but I have learned that it's something I crave most of all. I crave being seen and heard. You won't be understood all the time, but you should have at least one or two people in your life that sit on or are very close to your same wavelength. Responses that trigger me are "here's what you should do" or "I always do..." It is not the other person's fault. They are listening and attempting to help, but so often we just want to be heard and validated. "I hear you. I understand," is like the spoonful of sugar that makes the how to medicine go down. I know that I can't expect this from everyone and how I take it is half of the exchange. I just need to be sure to communicate more often with those who do operate this way to fill up my cup for all other conversations that don't have understanding baked right in.

Freedom. Wow, we are so lucky and yet there are still so many who don't feel completely free. It's hard to take pride in my freedom when people in my own country are not treated with liberty and justice for all. I love my country, but we have a lot of work to do. I have really been thinking about the word "freedom" and as a woman I feel stifled sometimes. Not to compare, at all, to the struggles of racism or hatred, but there are still things that come up where I feel less than. The fact that as a woman, just going outside for a walk can lend itself to cars honking or guys screaming from their windows is icky. Cat calls and long looks are demeaning and unasked for and so in that respect alone, I feel an infringement on my freedom. To just be able to exist without any attention. That would be REAL freedom.

I gained the Quarantine 15 for sure. Put on some extra weight where extra weight already sat. I have 100 lbs to lose. Walking around the world in this physique compared to 10 years ago when I was 60lbs lighter has opened my eyes to how people are treated so differently based on looks. For the longest time, I have preferred to stay heavy because I never liked the attention of men's long stares or whistling. It is something that really makes me uncomfortable. So, my flawed logic has been to stay heavy to stay safe from unwanted attention? Who is that serving? I was not made for anyone else. I was made to be a happy, healthy individual who looked however the hell she wanted to. Last month, I started to take care of myself for the first time in a long while. It feels amazing to be on the road to better health, but the aspects that eluded me were the emotional and psychological. The addictive habits are never the issue. It's the WHY that needs more investigating. Why are you eating that bread and butter? Why are you having those sweets? It's never because you want to be unhealthy. Who would ever want that? Diving into boredom, sadness, regret, loss, etc. has allowed me to see the root of my unhealthy habits. It's never just the band-aid. There is always a cut underneath that needs mending.

Now that health is a priority for me, I am back to my favorite activity - walking! Today, I was on one of my morning walks and I heard a song that I've heard a thousand times before and yet it held such a deeper meaning this listen. It's by a band called THE KILLERS and it's called "MY OWN SOUL'S WARNING." This song is my favorite off the album for so many reasons, but today this song cracked my soul wide open. You know that feeling when you go against your grain because you just want to feel something so bad? That is what I've been doing. Going against "my own soul's warning." All the ways I've not felt good, had health issues, felt depressed and alone. Those were warnings from my soul and I just kept ignoring them. When he speaks of "I just wanted to get back to where you are..." I always used to think that he was talking about someone else. A lover, girlfriend, etc. Today, I heard the song as a love letter to me. To get back to where my best self is. It was a huge revelation that changed how I'll forever hear this song and it was the push I needed to find her, me, again...

Enjoy the song below...

I tried going against my own soul's warning
But in the end, something just didn't feel right
Oh I tried diving even though the sky was storming
I just wanted to get back to where you are
If you could see through the banner of the sun
Into eternity's eyes like a vision reaching down to you
Would you turn away?
What if it knew you by your name?
What kind of words would cut through
The clutter of the whirlwind of these days?
I tried going against my own soul's warning
And in the end, something just didn't feel right
Oh I tried diving even though the sky was storming
Thunderheads were forming
But man I thought I could fly
And when I hit the ground
It made a messed up sound and it kept on rattling through my days
Cutting up my nights like a goddamned knife
And it got me thinking no matter how far
That I just wanted to get back to where you are
I tried going against my own soul's warning
But in the end, something just didn't feel right
Oh I tried running from the memory and the mourning
But the penalty kept on pouring
And now I think I know why
'Cause when I hit the ground
It made a messed up sound and it kept on rattling through my days
Cutting up my nights like a goddamned knife
And it got me thinking no matter how far
I just wanted to get back to where you are

Songwriters: Brandon Flowers