Monday, July 29, 2024

A Stake In It


  I delayed myself in writing this until I could calm my anger and be more subjective and graceful with my words.  In case you missed it, JD Vance said the following: "We are effectively run in this country... by a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they've made and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable too... How does it make any sense that we've turned our country over to people who don't really have a direct stake in it?" There were other things in there, but I don't want to get too political here. That's for each person to decide. What I will touch on is much greater and even more upsetting than politics. 

    It would be so easy to just sit here and spout off some insults about the person who said these things, but I think there's more to look at then just the words. The meaning of the things said, hold far more weight. Plus, I always think it unwise to act in the same way as the person you were offended by. Hypocrisy is a big part of the problem in the world, but that's a whole other blog. Of course, as I write this, there are new articles going around claiming it was sarcastic and everyone's missing the point. Points made intelligently are rarely missed. Sarcasm is not something that should be served up when hoping to gain people's support and votes. Not taking things seriously is something to maybe steer away from if you are hoping to get a serious appointment like Vice President. 

    With all that being said, the first concern that came to my mind after hearing that unintelligible statement, was all the impressionable minds who may have heard it. Those who are going to believe what he is saying as truth. To be completely transparent, I can be labeled a "childless cat lady," as I have 4 cats and I have no children as I head towards 44 years of age. I have struggled to not only figure out who I am, but to also hold tight to me, when others want to tell me who I am. And I admit that I am still on shaky ground, but in this stage of life, I know myself enough to shake any doubts that these words put in my head. What about those who aren't? It's so easy to say, "they are just words," but the reality of it is that not everyone has armor built up to reject words. Things like this can seep in and become part of our programming. Most people don't want to hear that, because they'd have to take some responsibility for what they say. In my experience, words are always spoken for a reason. 

    There's a lot to unpack in that cat lady statement. Using "childless" dumbs down fertility into a narrow choice. As if every childless person wanted to be childless. It's a really hard reality for some who dreamed of having children to not be able to. Beyond that, what about the men who never have/had children? George Washington never had children. Why is it just women that get ridiculed when sometimes it is not even a choice. As a woman who HAS chosen not to have children before ever trying, I can tell you that my choice has a lot to do with how judgmental and cruel the world can be. For me, life has been intensely overwhelming at times. Some days it takes everything I have, just to get out of bed in the morning. I didn't ask to come here and suffer like this and I realized that I did not want to impose the possibility of these same feelings, onto another human being. Also, having someone that lived inside of me for nine months grow up and out of my control for their well being, terrified me. I am scared enough in this life as it is. 

    "A child changes everything," is what I imagine some people reading this are thinking. I have heard the argument that "once you have a baby, you will be less focused on yourself and you'll have less time to be anxious." I wish I could believe that, but as a cat lady, 3 of my cats are outdoor strays and I'm worried sick every night till I see their faces each morning. If I'm that distraught with cats that never took residence inside my belly, I don't see how a baby would be any different. I also have a lot of unhealed trauma that I don't ever want to impose on a tiny being that didn't ask to be brought into this world. Nor do I ever want a child to be a band aid for my pain or use it as something that will heal me. It's just not something I want for my life and I feel blessed to be in a committed relationship of over 17 years where that is respected and agreed upon between the two of us whole heartedly. 

    I love children and I am so happy for anyone and everyone who wants to go that route and have the life they have always dreamed of. That's the thing, as those who are childless by choice, we want everyone to do what they want and we don't impose anything on those people. That's the unnerving part of judgment that is put into action or into a speech to reach the masses like this. It's telling others that they are WRONG for living just as they want and yet we would never say the same about their lifestyle because we want freedom for all. Truly. You do you and I'll do me and we can live together respectfully. Why can't it be that way? In all facets of life. 

    Leaders of the world, need to see that it takes all kinds of kinds to keep the world moving and working. If every woman had a child or children, the Earth would be even more populated than it already is. We are nearly at capacity. If I had children, these four cats would be left to their own devices and would probably perish. They are creatures of the universe that should be cared for and looked after too. Think about the doctor who wasn't able to have children and so she spent her life working on fertility research to help others have the chance. Or those "childless cat ladies" who were so dedicated to help stop cancer or create some technological advancement that we count on everyday, that they didn't have time for children in their life. After saving the world, they come home and are greeted by loving beings who give them some comfort. It takes us all to keep the world going. 

    The most glaring point that Mr. Vance made was when he said: "How does it make any sense that we've turned our country over to people who don't really have a direct stake in it?" It said a lot more about him that anything else he said. From what I can deduce, he thinks it is impossible for someone to care about something they won't benefit from. What does that say about what he will care about? Only things that directly benefit him or that he has a stake in? I care so deeply about the future of our world and it's because I want to leave it a little bit better than I found it. The beauty of the Earth is vast and awe inspiring to me. I want as many people to experience that awe as possible. The future may not hold me or my decedents in it, but I care about other people's decedents very much because I have empathy.

    Empathy makes saying things without thinking very hard to do. When you think about the impact your words might have on others, you speak with caution and only say things that really need to be said. Empathy often holds no benefit and sometimes comes with a little pain or hurt on behalf of those who are suffering. Women instinctively have more empathy because of their maternal make-up. Yes, even if you don't have children, as a woman you are hard wired to have motherly instincts. Just compare a man and a woman sleeping in the same house at night. Make a loud noise in the kitchen and see who hears it first. 9 times out of 10, it'll be the woman because she is hard wired to hear noises as she sleeps in case her baby needs to be fed or cared for.  It's innate and that empathy extends to all. Beyond our "stake." It's not about us. It's about EVERYONE. 

    To say that you can't care without a stake in it, is part of the problem with society as a whole these days. "How will this benefit me," or "How can I make this work in my favor," is often the goal. People are looked at for what they can give or what they owe you. Looking at aging parents as an inheritance, taking money from hard working people you don't plan on helping once elected, pocketing the money you find lying in the street instead of finding its rightful owner, or live streaming good deeds, etc. Where is the empathy in all of that. That's what we need more of in this world. NOT having a stake or benefit in something and caring anyway. Those who are the loudest get the most air time and so we lose sight that there are a lot of people who are doing good in quiet. 

    To all my fellow childless cat ladies out there, I see you. Beyond that, to any woman who has felt less than for not being able to conceive or has chosen a different path than motherhood, I see you. To the mothers who are raising children that have empathy and respect for others, I see you. Let empathy light our way and though it is tempting to double down on hateful speech, let's rise above it. What's been said speaks volumes. Let it be its own undoing. There is enough hatred in the world and we do not need to add any fuel to that fire. You are a valid and beautiful human no matter what you produce. Just BE. Shields up!